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Broadcast monitoring for the music industry

PlayKontrol enables you, content providers, to search regional radio and tv stations for broadcasts of your content.


Easy to use

Intuitive and modern user experience. Flexible reporting options.


Our technology provides detailed broadcast information for your songs.


Explore airplay data by region, station, artist and song in real-time.


Pricing plans scale with your needs and put you in control.

Revolutionizing the music industry

We provide comprehensive airplay data and intelligent analytics for independent musicians, artists and labels.

Being an independent musician, artist or label you often need to promote your music on your own, and information about when and where your music is being played is important to you because it affects your business decisions.

Traditional media monitoring solutions offer this kind of information but are targeting commercial customers which makes their services expensive and their media coverage limited to channels of commercial interest.

What makes us different?

Relevant stations. We cover over 1200 stations across 12 European countries, including all national and commercial stations as well as local, web and student radio stations.

Real-time data. Servers powered by our technology process huge amounts of data in real-time and deliver accurate and detailed broadcast information to our users on a daily basis.


Detailed Airplay Information

Airplay information shows date and time when the broadcast was detected, country and name of the station, song title, album, and artist, song duration and percentual length of the match.


Powerful Reporting Tools

Our reporting tools offer a variety of ways to represent and view your airplay data. Filter by date, country, station, song metadata, or match percentage. Analyze and compare songs, artists or stations.



Browse through complete statistics collected by the system over the past 30 days. Data is arranged into top songs and artists on different stations. View each station's actual playlist for a specific day.


Daily e-mail

Receive fresh daily reports directly into your e-mail inbox every morning. Choose between summarized and detailed e-mail or turn off mailing completely if that's not your cup of tea.

What our users say

" PlayKontrol is an excellent service that enables us to track our daily report of how many times our song was played on the radio or television. Kudos and onward!"
Matija Kovačević - Mata
" Excellent service! Recommend to everyone! Great broadcasting stats! All praise!"
Marko Musil
pjevač, tekstopisac
" Very efficient, useful, excellent! All praises!"
Lući Tukić
" Congratulations to you all! Great thing for all authors and performers to be able to keep track of their works being broadcast. Kudos for the idea and an excellent user-friendly software. Bravo!"
Siniša Nemarnik
glazbenik, skladatelj
" Excellent tool for tracking and control - detailed and always up-to-date!"
The Swampsteppers
" Wow, this is a great tool where I can track my songs performances. This is like real "musical police". Keep going!"
Juraj Galina
" The best software ever. I wish I had thought of that. Kudos for the idea. I will pay as soon as I have to because I won’t go further without PlayKontrol. :) Thank you the most for existing. Bye!:) I would also like to add that a more modern/beautiful/Themed user interface (graphically) would create even more pleasure when using."
Goran Čučković
Autor, aranžer, vokal, band T.E.T.R.A.
" Excellent!!! Excellent program that we need to know how much we’re really getting. Highly recommend!!!"
Zoran Karlić
Pjevač, svirač tradicijskih glazbala, Šćike
" PlayKontrol is, as far as I know, the only service that provides authors with an objective and real insight into the usage of their works."
Djani Pervan
Aranžer/Producent - Letu Štuke, Darko Rundek